Friday 9 October 2009

New Hair Colour

I love Perfect10 Nice and Easy, it is by far my favourite hair dye that I've used. Its dead easy and you don't have to wait ages and ages with the intense hair dye smell intoxicating you.
I got colour 'Medium Brown' number 5. My hair is already brown but its a really dull version of it, and it has blown random bits in it that just don't make any sense being there; so I wanted to dye it again when the natural colour came back. I like having a darker brown colour even with really pale skin, I don't understand why but it works :)

In real life its a bit darker, the flash gives it a two toned colour but I swear its really nice looking at it in person :D

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Yay for Brunettes!
